New smoking fetish videos added at Smoking Flicks….

We’ve added two new smoking fetish movies at Smoking Flicks – the smoking movie streaming and video download site.

The latest video from IRL Platinum starts with a terrific smoking interview with perky Kady; chaining as she walks the interviewer (Carmen) through her smoking history and preferences – she’s proud to be a smoker and to have started young. Carmen then takes over for a glamour shoot, smoking slowly and seductively as she chains corks elegantly by the piano. Both models show strong mouth and nose exhales throughout their shoots, with some french inhales thrown in as well.

And in a new rel;ease of material shot by Visualsmoke, Veronica smokes with her natural look – no wigs, no fancy hairdos, just her long flowing hair. She is at the makeup table and in nice closeup, smoking corks and 120s, and showing terrific exaggerated open mouth and snap inhales, followed by thick mouth exhales. There are glamour, casual and lingerie scenes and lots of dialogue.

Come check them out at Smoking Flicks :)

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