1/16: New this week at Smoke Signals Online

This week at Smoke Signals Online, the net’s premier smoking fetish site, we’ve added 483 new photos and 23 minutes of smoking fetish video.

In the photo galleries, In the photo galleries, Natalie P. and Laura A. smoke in a glam duo, then play pool and smoke in sexy outfits. In each shoot, they play with their smoke and show off their tricks (Laura’s open-mouth inhales and Natalie’s natural french inhales, among others) and talk about smoking and cigarettes. And Tash W. is in a swimsuit, as she relaxes and shows us lots of great dangles and hands-free smoking.

In the video gallery, we have two glam shoots with Janey; first, she smokes at her desk and applies lipstick, showing deep inhales, a natural quick french inhale, mouth and mouth/nose exhales, dangles and smoke rings. Then, she sparkles with the same terrific style, in a short mood shoot with natural light Then Frida
is in lingerie, reading and chatting with an off-camera Janey as she smokes with her usual playful and sexy style: cones, exaggerated frenches and snaps, smoke rings, and slow nose exhales. She then switches positions with Janey, who chats and smokes with her natural french/snap inhale, cones, mouth/nose exhales and rings. Finally, Frida returns and clowns around for a bit as she smokes. A fun shoot.

You can see sample clips here and here.

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