31 December 2013
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A Strange Discovery
SMOKE SIGNALS MAGAZINE - January - February 2014
While poking around stuff that we have on our hard drives, and looking around online, we made a strange discovery recently.
We're more attracted to women smoking hookahs than ever before.
Don't get us wrong, it will never be our favorite type of female smoking - cigarettes will always top the list for us. But there was definitely something that drew us to the "sheesha" videos we found.
If we were smarter, we would have just enjoyed ourselves and moved on. However, we're way too analytical for that; we spent some time trying to figure out just why we suddenly found women smoking hookahs more of interest than in the past.
We did a lot of research, meaning we watched the videos a number of times - all in the name of science, of course. Here's what we've concluded:
1. Women (well, people in general, but the women are naturally the ones we pay attention to) who smoke hookahs do it for the fun and enjoyment of it and not just to satisfy a craving. There aren't a lot of bored women in sheesha videos. They're all having fun with their smoking - and that's alluring, at least to us.
2. Hookah smoking is a sociable activity, which means there are usually two or more women participating. We always prefer watching two or three women smoke than just one (for obvious reasons).
3. There's less "down time" in the video - in a cigarette video, there's usually anywhere from ten to thirty seconds between inhales. In a hookah videos, someone is always smoking.
4. There are certainly lots of videos showing novice or non-smokers trying hookahs, which aren't of great interest to us. However, regular smokers who are having fun with their sheesha smoking tend to show off and play with their smoke; there are lots of huge cone exhales, nose exhales, snap inhales and big smoke rings - not to mention smoke exchanges. To those of us who enjoy seeing accomplished smokers perform, a good hookah video can be a treasure trove of terrific smoking.
5. There's no such thing as an ultra-light hookah. If women are deeply inhaling smoke from a sheesha, it's strong smoke and they're obviously enjoying it.
6. At times, when women are sharing a hookah, they're also smoking cigarettes during their "down time." That makes the video even smokier and more fun to watch.
7. We spend way too much time analyzing why we like what we like.
This probably was not an illuminating column to read. Everyone who visits this page already knows what they like - and we're not out to convince anyone to "give hookah videos a try." This also doesn't mean there will be an influx of sheesha material at Smoke Signals Online - we usually only have one hookah shoot per year.
We're just fortunate enough to have a soapbox from which we can rant or pontificate. And for some reason, we felt the need to share a previously "untapped" source of enjoyment that we've rediscovered.
Happy New Year!

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Take in those ones and all get nervous on stage. Literally each one. The speakers who have done it a thousand times previous to, the bands who have had hundreds of gigs, each one still gets worried when they go on stage
2. Practice! Practice your speech over and over again, not for memorization, not for perfection, but for poise. Practice in anticipation of you feel very sure in your material and that will make a huge variation on the stage.
3. If you find yourself with a lot of nervous energy due to stage fright, the morning of your speech is sure to work out and exercise as that can get rid of a lot of that energy.
4. At last, many speakers will have "pump-up" or focus songs that they take note to right before giving their speech. This can help get you in the right approach right before going on stage.
Stage fright is something that will slowly reduce (but never go away) as time goes on and you give more and more speeches and giving.
1. Practice
Perform is one of the simple ways to boost your confidence before a giving and reduce concern. Practice can lead to more poise in your ability to present the material as you become more known with it.
Practice over the course of quite a few days—not just the night before
2. Get Feedback
By spreading your practice run-throughs out over a few days, you give yourself more time to think about the giving in a less worrying manner. It also gives you a chance to seek out advice from others, like your colleagues, friends, and people. At first, they can provide feedback about the structure of your appearance. Does it make sense to the viewers? Is it easy to follow? Are there seats where you could maybe explain more or less?

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