Moving Forward...

Our movement, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century continues.

You may have noticed shiny new Facebook and Twitter icons on most of our sites. As you could guess from that, we're now on Facebook and Twitter. (Our readership is not only smart, it ranks among the highest readership of any smoking fetish publication, when it comes to deductive reasoning.

We've been posting and tweeting for about a month now; and while we didn't expect to reach thousands of people through the "social media" avenues, we've been pleased that we're reaching more than a few. We weren't the first to try the new avenues of communication, of course; several others, including Smoking Sweeties, were there ahead of us. But we hope we're contributing as much as any, when it comes to regular updates on our sites and shoots. It's actually the most immediate way to let people know what's new; we know that not everyone can take advantage, for privacy reasons - but it's still a nice new way to spread the news.

If the response continues to be good, we'll continue to increase our visibility on FB and Twitter. We hope that you'll join us there, as the smoking fetish community grows in many new ways.

In a similar vein, later this week we'll be unveiling a new, comprehensive page where you'll be able to find the very latest photo and video previews from all of the Smoke Signals Network sites - from our membership sites, to Smoking Flicks and the Smoking Clip Store, to the IRL sites, to our new tube. Watch for the announcement and bookmark the site; the previews will automatically update whenever there's a change on any of the sites. We think it's pretty cool. :)

We hope that many of you have noticed that much of the new material on Smoke Signals Online is now large-screen and high-definition; we're working toward having all of the material in high def. Soon, we'll also have a new look for Smoke Signals Online - to go along with the upgraded content.

And the long-awaited new "platform" for Smoking Flicks should be up and running very soon; it will eliminate the functional glitches people have encountered over the years - and also allow those of you on Macs to watch streaming movies as well.

We're looking forward to an exciting summer and fall at Smoke Signals - and we hope you'll let us know what you think as we continue to move forward.

And thanks for coming by to check out the May-June issue of Smoke Signals.

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written by play wordle , August 02, 2023
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written by moto x3m , April 20, 2024
we always have to move forward
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