The Smoke Signals Community...What's Next?
SMOKE SIGNALS MAGAZINE - November - December 2010

So we've given the dust a couple of months to settle, after our tumultuous summer of redesign work.

The feedback has been relatively positive - traffic and membership have increased - and we think that we're off to a pretty good (re)start. But what comes next?

First of all, we hope to see conversations on the messageboards pick up. We've been pretty busy with the newest Smoke Signals project (which will launch shortly) - so we haven't been as active on the boards as we probably should be. We resolve to be much more visible there in the months ahead; we hope that you'll join us.

Second, we plan to beef up our news "reporting" on the site and our blog. To that end, we hope that producers will make a greater effort to keep us advised of their new video releases and other news. It's obviously easy for us to update with news from Smoke Signals and the producers with whom we have close relationships; we'd like to be able to bring news from ALL producers to the community on a timely basis.

Third, we would like to invite you to participate more actively. In the early days of Smoke Signals Magazine, we had lots of reader-contributed articles and columns. As online newsgroups and then messageboards became prevalent, reader submissions became fewer and further between. Of course, we still accept and encourage you to submit smoking fiction, and we still pay for published stores. But we'd also like to hear from anyone who has an idea for a column or article on any smoking fetish subject. We have the space - and the readers - that will allow for in-depth writing not usually seen on other internet sites in our community.

And finally, we would like to invite you to participate more informally. In our new format, we no longer have the "Letters to the Editor" column - and that's because there's no real need for it anymore. You can instantly post a comment on ANY article on our site. We think that can be a much more interesting form of "letter writing" - and we hope you'll take advantage of it.

Are there other features or changes you would like to see in the new Smoke Signals Magazine - or on the Smoke Signals Community site? Let us know - just use the comment box right on this page.

Thanks for sticking with us as we tinker and grow!

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